
Flash Fiction and why you should read it!

Hi guys,

So I have just read this amazing piece! You guys need to read it. I found it extremely engaging and it highlights the importance and beauty of flash fiction writing- and for once, not just as a writing exercise to get you prepared for novel length writing.

Kyle has managed to explain not only the history of flash fiction, but also where it’s heading and where you could get published. I love content like this, and I think you will too!

by Kyle Massa Just like the name implies, flash fiction is short enough to read in an instant. But if you’re not reading it, here’s why you should be. Opinions vary on how long a flash fiction piece should be. Some markets say 300 words max, some say 500, others say 1,000. Whatever the case […]

via Why You Should Be Reading Flash Fiction — A Writer’s Path

4 thoughts on “Flash Fiction and why you should read it!

  1. I definitely want to get into reading and writing more flash fiction, and your post encouraged me to do both.

    I’m a fellow writer who’s new to blogging, and I was wondering if you had any tips for newbie bloggers.

    If you have the time, please check out my blog @breenysbooks. I’d love any feedback. Have a wonderful day.


    1. Thank you for stopping by Breeny! I’m happy you found it encouraging, this is actually the start of a short series about flash fiction (including how I write it, what you can do with flash fiction and why it isn’t a warm up tool).

      I will definitely be checking out your blog, as for tips all I can say is don’t burn yourself out (notice the number of ‘I’m back’ posts) because when you go crazy and don’t slowly grow your blog you literally burn out. You run out of content, you get fed up of spending every spare minute of the day writing posts, and generally you lose focus of where its going. On a similar note, think about what you want your blog to be, but be prepared to develop it. I first started as purely book related topics, reviews and participation posts, but then I wanted to develop it into a platform for my writing as well and found I had more interaction because I was more passionate about it.
      Good luck!
      Thank you again!

      Liked by 1 person

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